CFC Membership - About
Benefits of Membership
What benefits do I get as a member of the CFC?
When you become a member of the CFC,
- You join a fraternity of chess players, enthusiasts, teachers, and organizers from across Canada devoted to promoting chess.
- The CFC represents Canada to the world as a member of FIDE, the international chess body.
- The CFC sends teams to the Chess Olympiad, World Youth Chess Championship, and other major international events.
- The CFC holds national championships (including the Canadian Open, Canadian Youth Chess Championship, Canadian Closed, Canadian Women’s Championship) to showcase Canadian talent.
- The CFC website keeps players informed on is what happening including tournament listings, tournament reports and news items, listings of local chess clubs, and so much more.
- Your membership dues support all these activities to help ensure chess prospers in Canada.
- As a member, you are welcomed at CFC events across Canada, including national tournaments, weekend swisses, and local club tournaments.
What if I’m not a very good player?
- Don’t worry. There are players of all strengths in the CFC Besides, this is a perfect opportunity to improve your chess by just keeping in close contact with those who play.
Other benefits of membership include:
- A national CFC chess rating
- A subscription to Canadian Chess News, an electronic newsletter
NOTE: Effective Fall 2008, membership cards & renewal stickers are no longer issued.