CFC Rules & Bylaws


The current legal rules & bylaws of the CFC are contained in the “Continuance” submitted in 2014 to comply with the Not For Profit Corporations Act (2009).

LEGAL - NFP Continuance 2014+


The legacy rules & bylaws of the CFC are contained in the legacy CFC Handbook.

Although it is no longer the “official” CFC Bylaws nor is it legally binding, Vlad Drkulec, the current CFC president, has promised to abide by the legacy CFC Handbook as CFC policy to the extent possible consistent with the NFP Act.

LEGACY - Old CFC Handbook


In 1976, the CFC became a corporation. The Letters Patent for incorporation are contained in Section 2 of the legacy CFC Handbook.

In 2014, the CFC changed its structure to comply with the Not For Profit Corporations Act (2009). This change was rushed to meet a deadline that, if missed, would have dissolved the CFC and disbursed its assets to other charities. As such, there was not enough time to convert the entire legacy CFC Handbook.
